Thursday, April 20, 2006

I've been in hospital since da 14th and has only been back ytd...
i missed moi darling alot...
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 9:56:00 am__
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Monday, April 10, 2006
I just found out tt
1) Moi dad is no longer giving moi mum any money for household expenses...
2) Moi salary was just banked in today...
3) Someone told me tt Moi darling Boyfriend goes out often with a particular girl recently...
boy am i shocked...
almost got in da hospital coz i can't breathe and moi heart hurts...
i've had enuff surprises for one day...
not to mention da traumas I've been thru...
and it all adds up... >.<
can't u guy give me a time-out?
and not cause anything?
just for one day?
i need support...
but who is willing ro be there for me?
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 9:20:00 pm__
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Sunday, April 09, 2006
God dammit...
i lost moi hp while on moi way back from e-games today!
all moi precious pics inside...
and da ringtones...
oh man...
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 11:59:00 pm__
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